Crazy Canyon University Beacon Trail
Starting Location: This trail is a loop that starts at the Crazy Canyon trailhead. Head north on the Crazy Canyon trail, turn right on the gas line road, turn left on Pattee Canyon logging road bearing left at 1st fork to the top of the mountain. At the University Beacon, head west down a singletrack trail along the ridge to the Mount Sentinel saddle that intersects onto the Crazy Canyon road. Travel down the road about 1/2 mile and take the 1st left onto to the Gut trail, then left at 1st intersection with Hidden Treasure trail, then right onto logging road which leads back onto Crazy Canyon road. Take the singletrack trail to right, which parallels Crazy Canyon road for about ½ mile, then crosses the road, and head down the trail to the Crazy Canyon Trailhead.
Distance: 9.78 miles
Cumulative Elevation Gain: 2,560 feet
Moving Time: About 2 hours
Type of Trail: Singletrack and logging roads
Climb Difficulty (scale 1 to 6): 5.2